Jeffrey Scott Gray

Jamie Lyn Beatty once said:

“Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.”


My Story

I’ve been a business owner for 20 years, and have more than 30 years of experience in design, advertising and marketing. Though I enjoy the career, creativity and problem-solving this work provides, my desire for more has pushed me beyond what 9-to-5 can offer. As an artist, I create works that express my perspective of what’s around me. As a traveler, I explore worlds that expand my view and my experiences. As a baker, I share my vision through food. And what’s better than creativity you can eat.

My Skills

• Client Services
• Account Management
• Location Scouting
• Business Management
• Creative Consultation
• Adobe® Creative Suite®

My Next Chapter

My interests in art, travel and cooking, along with my business expertise, have given me a new direction. I hope now to put my talents to use in the travel, food, hospitality or lifestyle industries. This provides me with an opportunity to combine all I’ve done and all my interests to create unique and memorable experiences for clients and customers. I see this as a natural progression in my career – taking my know-how and passions and making them work even harder for me.